Revisiting the Shinobi World: ‘Naruto,’ Itachi Pursuit Arc

The tenth arc of the Naruto series by Masashi Kishimoto continues with Sasuke Uchiha finally taking action against Orochimaru and his older brother Itachi. As I read this arc, I noticed that not much of Sasuke had changed since he fought Naruto in Part 1. Sasuke is calm and reserved; however, he still relies on the strength that was given to him.

Kishimoto continues to impress by revisiting themes that were introduced in the first arc of the series. Sasuke’s character arc continues to get more interesting as he forms his avenging team Hebi to face off against members of the Akatsuki. As Sasuke makes his move against Orochimaru and the Akatsuki, Team Kakashi gives in to their desperation to find Sasuke.

Recap of the Previous Arc

The Akatsuki Suppression Mission arc, Akatsuki members Hidan and Kakuzu hunt down other Jinchūriki. Their pursuits for bounties and Tailed Beast hosts lead them closer to Konohagakure. However, The Fifth Hokage commands a militia of capable ninjas to seek out the Akatsuki duo to restrain or kill them. This mission pushes Shikamaru and his teacher Asuma Sarutobi, the son of the late Third Hokage, to their limits. Ino and Chōji eventually join their efforts, though they were unfortunately too late. Asuma is killed.

While the militia pursues the Akatsuki members, Naruto trains with Yamato and Kakashi.

Asuma’s death hits Team 10 hard. His influence is apparent as his death is a surprise to many, including his lover Kurenai, the team leader to Team 8 (Hinata, Kiba, and Shino). The surviving trio eventually leave Konohagakure to avenge Asuma with Kakashi’s help. Sai, Sakura, Naruto, and Yamato eventually join the battle against Hidan and Kakuzu. The battle against Kakuzu gives Naruto the opportunity to show off his newly developed technique—the Rasenshurikan. The battle ends with Kakuzu’s death. Meanwhile, Shikamaru deals with Hidan; Hidan had become trapped by Shikamaru and is blown up and buried.

The arc ends with Shikamaru making a process to Kurenai to protect her and Asuma’s unborn child and the future generation of Konohagakure.

The Itachi Pursuit Arc

The Itachi Pursuit Arc, which is also known as Master’s Prophecy and Vengeance arc, spans through volumes 38 to 40, or chapters 343 to 367.


In Konoha, Sai, Naruto, Sakura, and Kakashi have lunch together at Naruto’s favorite ramen shop. Sakura laments for Naruto’s arm injuries that he suffered due to the Rasenshurikan that he used against Kakuzu. Kakashi reminds Naruto that the stronger the jutsu, the riskier it becomes for the wielder.

Meanwhile, in his lair, Orochimaru and Kabuto discuss Orochimaru’s health condition. Kabuto briefly leaves Orochimaru’s side to get medicine. Coincidentally, Sasuke attacks Orochimaru. A fight between the student and master ensues: Orochimaru briefly has the upper hand and commences the body-transfer ritual that will enable Orochimaru to take control of Sasuke’s body. However, Sasuke comes out of the fight victorious; he defeats Orochimaru and absorbs him. It is not clear whether Orochimaru is dead or alive at this point due to Sasuke absorbing him. Despite the shock, news spreads that Sasuke had indeed killed his master.

The news triggers movement from Orochimaru’s devotees and prisoners as well as Konohagakure. While Sasuke assembles a new group with Karin, Jūgo, and Suigetsu, Tsunade commands Team Kakashi to pursue Itachi with Team 10’s help with the intention of getting to Sasuke. Kakashi commands the group to split up with ninja dogs to search for clues.

As Konoha’s shinobi look for clues to find any of the Uchiha brothers, Sasuke encounters Deidara, who swears to kill him. Deidara has a grudge against Sasuke because Deidara once swore that he would kill Orochimaru. This fight ends with Deidara’s explosive death (literally). The Akatsuki mourn for Deidara, and his partner Tobi, suggests that he is Madara Uchiha.

Meanwhile, Naruto, Hinata, and Yamato encounter Kabuto, who reveals that he implanted cells from Orochimaru’s corpse into himself in an effort to obtain his power. Kabuto thanks Naruto for inspiring him to pursue power for himself before leaving.

Towards the end of the arc, Naruto’s team regroups. Due to Kiba’s prowess, they catch Sasuke’s scent. However, Karin takes note of their presence and has Jūgo command birds to spread pieces of Sasuke’s clothes throughout the forest to deceive their pursuers. This confusion prompts Naruto to make clones of himself to cover more ground. In the midst of their pursuit, a clone encounters Itachi Uchiha, who wishes to only speak to Naruto about Sasuke. It is unclear if Itachi is a clone, too, because in another place, Sasuke also makes contact with him and another fight ensues.

While the Uchiha brothers fight and Naruto is confronted, Tsunade and Jiraiya share a moment together. Jiraiya finally found the Akatsuki hideout and intends to infiltrate it. Tsunade is visibly concerned, but Jiraiya tries to ease her moods. The arc ends with Jiraiya successfully infiltrating the Akatsuki hideout.


I give this arc 4 out of 5 stars: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

The Writing

There is a lot to love about this arc. Aside from Kishimoto’s incredible artwork, the tension is increased with Sasuke’s pursuit of his older brother and the Konoha ninjas’ desperate attempts to seek any of the brothers. And the suspension only seems to continue to rise by the end of the arc due to Jiraiya’s infiltration.

I usually do not like it when the story does not have a break between events; however, I think that the fast-paced action and encounters worked well in this arc. Orochimaru’s death is seemingly catastrophic. The reactions to the news are believable and surprisingly realistic.

The Characters

Hebi is an interesting mix of characters. Among them, Suigetsu seems to be the most well-written; he is level-headed, rebellious, and an opportunist. The fact that he is one of Orochimaru’s experiments is the last thing to focus on because of his strength and his willingness to follow Sasuke. Jūgo is the strangest of the three; it is easy to sympathize his condition, though I think that his “bipolarity” is badly written. Jūgo is needlessly violent and is only controlled by a stronger person. As for Karin, she is a perverted fangirl. Her obsession with Sasuke is, so far, confusing. It is also unnerving. Like Jūgo, she is presented with opposing personalities and mood swings. Her characterization is disappointing because her worst traits overshadow her best; she is an excellent sensory ninja and she is strategical.

Vol. 39. Ch. 352

Deidara was never a favorite of mine; however, his death was not as exciting as I thought it would be. It was disappointing. It seemed like a waste of a character with potential. Kishimoto placed a lot of focus on his character. He was strong enough to fight against Kakashi and survive. And the moments leading up to his death were full of comical relief, thanks to Tobi. It seems like there was more that his character could offer to the story. He should not have been killed so suddenly. He should not have pursued Sasuke for a weak reason.

Tobi is a funny guy with nothing but mystery shrouding him. He has a soliloquy where he reveals that he is Madara Uchiha. The Uchiha brothers, Itachi and Sasuke, are not the last survivors of their clan. At this point of the story, his motives are unclear and that may be for the best. I like it when Kishimoto drip-feeds information to his readers.

Vol. 40, Ch. 364

Jiraiya and Tsunade are given a lot of focus in the final parts of the arc. I love their friendship and the romantic undertones between them. Whenever the pair interact, readers get to see different sides to them. They are not as stoic and reserved. They are more human and gentle.

Vol. 40, Ch. 367

The Themes

As usual, Kishimoto continues to emphasize the importance of hard work. Kabuto’s obsession with power is not a new detail. He, like the other devotees, were drawn to Orochimaru due to the power that he possesses. The horror of Kabuto’s actions is his lack of will power. His inability to recognize his own strengths to instead take from others is a mirror to Orochimaru’s own villainy.

Vol. 39, Ch. 356

This arc was a good one, but my interest lies more with the upcoming arc, the Tale of Jiraiya the Gallant. This arc is a short one as it spans through volumes 40 to 42, or chapters 368 to 383. If I remember correctly, Jiraiya’s battle against the founders of the Akatsuki is both incredible and heart-wrenching. This would be my second time reading this upcoming arc, but I cannot say that I am looking forward to its conclusion.

Thank you for keeping up with my Naruto rereading journey! I will have my thoughts and review up next Friday or Saturday.

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