What I’ve been reading: May 2024

My reading list keeps piling up! Here are the 9 different things that I’ve been reading this May. Goze Hotaru by Kou Tosaya I happened to find this title by chance while I was scrolling through the MANGA Plus app. The story follows a young girl named Hotaru who is blind. Despite her disability, she…

Book Review: Me Before You by Jojo Moyes

Me Before You by Jojo Moyes follows Louisa (Lou) Clark, a quirky working-class woman, who takes on a caregiving position for the Traynor family. Her job is to keep a paralyzed Will Traynor company for six months. But Lou has another purpose in Will’s life, according to his mother: to dissuade him from ending his…

First impressions: Me Before You, Tokyo Ghoul, and others

In this post, I share my first impressions of 3 manga series and 1 novel that I’m currently reading: Me Before You by Jojo Moyes; Tokyo Ghoul by Sui Ishida; Kaiju No. 8 by Naoya Matsumoto; and Fire Punch by Tatsuki Fujimoto.

Books I didn’t finish

My DNF (Did Not Finish) List is short. I don’t usually quit reading a book because I become a little guilt-ridden. However, there are some books that I’ve tried reading over the years that I just couldn’t continue. Of course, the reasons for this are different each time. So, here’s my short list of books…

I finally finished reading A Clash of Kings

A Clash of Kings is the second book of George R. R. Martin’s series, A Song of Ice and Fire. It continues with the Seven Kingdoms being ravaged by war. The faces of the assaults are the disputing kings: Joffrey Baratheon, King of Westeros; Stannis and Renly Baratheon, self-proclaimed kings of Westeros; and Robb Stark,…

I read 14 out of 22 Ice Planet Barbarian novels

This post covers some opinions I had about Ruby Dixon’s infamous alien-romance novel series. Rather than reading and reviewing each book individually like I had originally planned, I decided to gather my thoughts in one post.

Rapid Book Review: Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones

Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones is the first book of a trilogy. The first novel follows Sophie Hatter, a girl who is cursed to be much older and frailer by the Witch of the Waste. To relieve herself of the curse, Sophie embarks on a journey where she meets the infamous wizard, Howl….

3 Stories Worth Reading

Redwall, Attack on Titan, Annarasumanara. These three stories have almost nothing in common, but they’re three of my favorite works that I always recommend to people who are looking for something new to read.