Daisuke Moriyama’s Chrono Crusade, Vol. 7—Review

The battle to destroy Pandaemonium begins in the seventh volume of the series. Pandaemonium unleashes her followers to kill Aion and those who oppose her. Of course, Chrono, Rosette, and Satella manage to catch up to Aion and his followers. However, Aion uses the powers of every captured Apostle, including Azmaria. In the midst of…

Daisuke Moriyama’s Chrono Crusade, Vol. 6–Review

The sixth volume of the series continues with Rosette’s efforts to bring Chrono back to his senses. To do this, she embarks on a dangerous mission and dives into Chrono’s spirit. Rosette puts her own soul on the line as it’s possible for Chrono to completely consume it and kill her. While searching for Chrono,…

Daisuke Moriyama’s Chrono Crusade, Vol. 4—Review

After Rizelle’s attack, Satella, Chrono, Rosette, and Azmaria have little time to relax in Chicago. Pursuers from Pandaemonium are seeking Chrono and take every opportunity to attack the group. In this volume, it’s revealed that Chrono killed his own kind and aided in Aion in killing Pandaemonium, which was their creator. Rosette’s group is eventually…

Daisuke Moriyama’s Chrono Crusade, Vol. 3—Review

Moriyama’s manga continues with the third volume and another dangerous mission for Rosette, Chrono, and Azmaria. The trio meet the German Jewel Summoner and bounty hunter Satella Harvenheit, who is on a search for a demon without horns that killed her parents ten years prior. Stella mistakes Chrono for that demon; however, her suspicions are…

Daisuke Moriyama’s Chrono Crusade, Vol. 2—Review

Moriyama’s series continues with the second volume and Rosette’s backstory. Rosette Christopher and her missing brother Joshua have a seemingly ideal brother-sister relationship; the pair are protective of each other. However, like Azmaria, Joshua is an Apostle and he has the ability to heal others. His power is ironic due to his inability to heal…

Daisuke Moriyama’s Chrono Crusade, Vol. 1— Review

Chrono Crusade is a manga series written and illustrated by Daisuke Moriyama. My introduction to the series was the anime adaptation than ran from 2003 to 2004. However, I watched the anime in 2020 and I instantly fell in love with the story. Recently, I began a hunt for the physical copies of the manga…