Manga Review: Blue Flag by Kaito

“Blue Flag” by Kaito explores LGBT+ themes, complex relationships, and teenage melodrama. It’s a great story with an okay ending.

Rapid, Spoiler-free Review: Beastars by Paru Itagaki

Beastars by Paru Itagaki is a manga series that takes place in a modern civilization that’s populated by anthropomorphic animals. Carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores seemingly live side-by-side in harmony, though the truth of their peace is hidden away in the black market where committing taboos is normalized. Legoshi, a large gray wolf, struggles to ignore…

Rapid Review: Pâtissier-san to Ojousan by Gindoro

After mindlessly scrolling through a myriad of articles, I came across a short manga recommendations list and Pâtissier-san to Ojousan by Gindoro was among them. Pâtissier-san to Ojousan is a short and sweet manga series about two people that gradually fall in love with each other. The short chapters and simple premise makes the story…

Rapid Review: ‘Princess Ai’

Did you know that American singer and musician Courtney Love once co-wrote a manga series titled ‘Princess Ai’? Princess Ai is a short manga series written by Courtney Love and “D.J. Milky” (Stuart Levy), and illustrated by Misaho Kujiradou. The story follows an alien amnesiac named Ai, who wakes up next to dumpster in the streets of Tokyo, Japan. Ai pursues a musical career and in her newfound fame, her memories slowly slip back—however, her new life is not easy; the threats that she left in her home world have somehow found her on Earth.